Cancellation and Return Policy

  1. Can I cancel my rental order?
  • Before Delivery: You can cancel your order anytime before scheduled delivery without any charges. Contact us to initiate the cancellation.
  • After Delivery: Cancellations after delivery incur a processing fee of [insert charge]. Please notify us within [mention time frame] of receiving the product to activate the cancellation.
  1. How do I return a rented product?
  • Free Return: We offer free return pickup for all rented items at the end of your rental period 
  • Early Return: If you wish to return early, inform us in advance at least [mention time frame]. Early return fees may apply depending on the remaining rental duration.
  • Self-return: Self-return is also possible at designated locations after contacting us for instructions.
  1. What happens if I damage the product?
  • Accidental Damage: Minor wear and tear is expected and covered under the rental agreement. However, significant damage due to negligence or misuse will incur repair or replacement charges.
  • Damage Reporting: Please inform us promptly about any accidental damage, and we’ll guide you through the repair process.
  1. Can I extend my rental period?
  • Extension Requests: We accept rental extension requests based on product availability and your rental history. Early communication is recommended to secure your desired extension period.
  • Extension Fees: Rental extensions may incur additional charges based on the extended duration and product type.
  1. What if I am not satisfied with the product?
  • Replacement Guarantee: If you’re not entirely satisfied with the product within [mention time frame] of delivery, we offer a free replacement with a similar option, subject to availability.
  • Customer Support: Connect with our customer support team to discuss product concerns or dissatisfaction. We strive to fix your issues promptly and ensure your satisfaction.